Sunday, September 13, 2009

Jesus is Lord!

It doesn't really matter what we go through in life, the joy is in knowing who is Lord over your life. God is so gracious and no matter how difficult a situation is, He is faithful and will see you through it. When Joseph was being sold out by his brothers, he would never have known that things would have turned out the way they did. God had a bigger plan and as much as the brothers would have wanted to do away with Him, God was present in that difficult situation. He was watching over Joseph, He was giving Him strength to go on and no wonder he had so much love towards his brothers despite all that they did.

What are you facing now? What's your hurdle? God is right there, he is ever present with us, He has promised us to never leave us nor forsake us. He is God and He will glorify Himself in your situation in the end. Its not over yet. Thanks be to God who causes us to triumph! In everything, He will show Himself faithful!

That's Our God. That's our Savior! He is Lord over every situation!
Ref: Gen.37:12-31, 2 Cor.2:14, 1 Thes.5:18

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